Im Rahmen der umfangreichen Pressearbeit habe ich die Uhren von A. Lange & Söhne fotografisch festgehalten. Meine Aufgabe war es, die exquisite Technik, die filigrane Verarbeitung und das unvergleichliche Design dieser Luxusuhren visuell einzufangen. Die entstandenen Fotografien zeigen die perfekte Kombination aus traditionellem Handwerk und innovativer Technik, die A. Lange & Söhne zu einem führenden Namen in der Welt der feinen Uhrmacherkunst macht.
A. Lange & Söhne, one of the most renowned watch manufacturers in the world, offers fascinating and in-depth insights into the art of watchmaking. A. Lange & Söhne’s luxury watches are characterized by exceptional precision and masterful craftsmanship, impressively embodying the heritage and tradition of this time-honored brand. Centuries of watchmaking tradition and state-of-the-art technology combine to create exquisite timepieces that are unique in their quality, design and exclusivity.
As part of the extensive press work, I photographed the watches of A. Lange & Söhne. My task was to visually capture the exquisite technology, the filigree workmanship and the incomparable design of these luxury watches. The resulting photographs show the perfect combination of traditional craftsmanship and innovative technology that makes A. Lange & Söhne a leading name in the world of fine watchmaking.
Photographer: Carsten Beier
Client: A. Lange und Söhne